• Mlinska ulica 1, 10 430 Samobor, Croatia
  • +385 1 3361 357
  • info@dentist-samobor.com


Prosthodontics is the field of Dental medicine that deals with the restoration of missing teeth by providing prosthetic solutions such as crowns, bridges, veneers, and complete or partial dentures. Besides restoring functionality, Prosthodontics offer aesthetic improvements of existing teeth. Prosthodontics are divided into fixed, mobile and combined. In fixed Prosthodontics we deal with dental crowns, bridges and other prosthetic elements that are permanently cemented in the patient's mouth. Mobile Prosthodontics are used when there is no possibility of providing a fixed prosthetic element to the patient. Mobile prosthetic elements (dentures) can be total or partial and acrylic or metal (Wironit).

Fixed Prosthodontics - Crowns

Crowns are single tooth restorations that completely cap or encircle a tooth or dental implant. They are used as a substitute for severely damaged and/or aesthetically compromised teeth. In our practice we offer crowns made of top quality materials that bring the highest level of aesthetic and functional feel of a real tooth to our patients.

Fixed Prosthodontics - Bridges

A bridge is used to span, or bridge, an edentulous area (space where teeth are missing), usually by connecting two fixed restorations on adjacent teeth. It consists of two or more crowns capping existing teeth or implants, and artificial teeth that “fill“ the gap between them.

Fixed Prosthodontics - Veneers

Veneers are thin ceramic covers that are used to decrease interdentally excessive space or improve aesthetics when teeth enamel is damaged or coloured. Unlike crowns, veneers cover only the front part of the teeth which enables the preservation of the majority of the tooth structure.

Mobile prosthodontics

Dentures are an alternative and economical solution of compensating teeth loss in situations when implant dentistry is not an option. They can be total or partial. Partial dentures are a more economic option to teeth restoration than a bridge, and are recommended only in cases when there's no possibility of fixed prosthetic work.

Combined prosthodontics (fixed/mobile)

a) Cast clasps
b) Telescope prostheses on crowns
c) Telescope anchors
d) Precision attachments on anchor teeth
e) Total and/or partial dentures on fixed bar

Prosthodontics on dental implants

a) Crowns and bridges
b) Full Dentures on anchor locator attachments (both jaws)
c) Fixed Bar on Implant with Full Denture in lower jaw
d) Reduced bar-retained denture in upper jaw
e) Combined works